April 2024 man Update

April 2024 man Update

Changing the Tide

By Sean Lynn Executive Director God Squad
National Director of Canada for Heroicmen

This month Sean comes to us from Moncton New Brunswick where he  presented to the Atlantic Bishops about  the importance of ministry to men.  Judging by the warm welcome he received Sean can look forward to attending to the demand of Ministry to Men in Atlantic Canada and across the country. Taking some personal time to reconnect with his “lovely bride” and replenish their relationship, Sean has a moment to think about what many of you have spoken to him about: The troubled waters of the world and losing hope.

Standing on the shores of the Petitcodiac River and the amazing ebbs and flows of the tide; nowhere else in the world does the tide get so low.  This is very much like our lives where we can get so low ourselves where we can lose hope of the highs ever coming back.

Sean tells us that there is hope; that if “we focus on getting ourself and our family to heaven and those men around us that we are called to support” and  continue the good work; there is hope.  Sean assures us that we are that hope and that: “if you were called to be a leader, please don’t hesitate to join us”.

Just like the tides on the Petitcodiac River, we need to push against the current Tides of our culture that have taken us away from a life centered on Christ, on family, on brotherhood.  So Sean implores us to “stand up against those tides and push back against them just like this River.” The more men join arms and push the tide upstream, the more we will be successful. 

God Squad is hiring a summer student to help move that needle and help us engage men more. Stay tuned for more information on that as it develops.

Sean invites all those who will be in the Calgary, Alberta area on June 1, 2024 to join God Squad at St. Mary’s University’s Festival where God Squad will be hosting its very first Disc Golf Tournament.  The Festival and tournament will be a fun family day for students, their friends and family.  Come and try out the new Disc Golf Course and register for the tournament.  God Squad can use your help here as evangelizers, BBQers, greeting people when they register and to simply just show up for the tournament and festival. Email: admin@godsquad.ca if interested.

God Squad is always interested in hearing from you. Join us as we reach out to local high schools in September and reach out to form young men coming out of grade 12 letting them know that they’re not alone as they step into the world. 

Consider signing up for our newsletter if you have not already and invite other men to as well. This way you can keep up with the latest events and activities.

We have a new Pray Request web page https://godsquad.ca/prayer-request/

Submit your request on God Squad and your prayers will be sent directly to the Seeds of the Word Catholic Community where God Squad and the Brothers and Sisters of the community will pray for your intentions.

Join the mission.  Go to www.godsquad.ca and see what’s going on.  Go to Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance at www.catholicmenleaders.org or to Heroic Men at www.heroicmen.com and just join us in the mission of discipleship.  Bring other men along with you.  Look for other brothers in your parish and together, we can make a difference.

St. Joseph.  Pray for us!


Are a Catholic Ministry to men in the service of God that is sent to inspire men to embrace God’s vocation in their lives.

You are a student seeking summer employment

And are a faithful to Jesus and the Catholic Church and share in our mission to positively encourage men amidst today’s darkness of spiritual famine and moral confusion. You want to help us meet our mission by making yourself available to do what needs to be done to engage men in taking up their leadership role in their lives, their family, their parish and the community at large.

Email us your résumé at admin@godsquad.ca 

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