St. Teresa of Avila
Daily pray to our God and Invoke St. Joseph for your personal intention.
Then pray the devotion of the Day followed by the Our Father, a Hail Mary and the Glory Be.
Start below and play the audio for Day 1.

In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Come to my aid, O God.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Almighty God, Father of mercies and giver of all good gifts,
I come before you to honor you in your saints
and ask their help in my many needs.
You promised those who ask, would receive;
those who seek, would find;
those who knock, would have doors opened to them.
Hear the prayers of your church,
grant my requests, and pardon my sins.
just and true, with a father’s care
you raised the Child Jesus,
you shared your life with Mary, his mother.
I entrust myself to your care and place in your hands these requests of mine.
Dear St. Joseph,
wrap your holy cloak of protection around God Squad Canada,
our speakers, volunteers and family;
we ask for your prayers and guidance
so that we may obtain the funds necessary
to undertake the work God Squad has been called to complete.
Send the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of the men we want to reach,
and open your Church to embrace them.
and you followed God’s will with wonderful faith.
In the quiet of my days, and in the hard choices I must make,
help me follow the Spirit’s guidance
and believe when I cannot see.
O God, guide of those who listen and helper of those who hear your voice, speak to me, as you did to St. Joseph, and help me accomplish the things you give me to do.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Solemnity of St. Joseph