Donate to God Squad Canada
God Squad Canada is a Canadian Charity Number: 891286346 RR 0001, with the mission to reverse the breakdown of families by serving and nurturing men of all ages to be leaders in their families and communities.
About God Squad Canada
Through the guidance of St Joseph, our vision is to form and strengthen men, inspiring them to embrace God’s vocation in their lives.
We need your help to do that because we’re an independent Charitable Catholic lay organization that neither asks for nor receives financial support from the Vatican, any bishops conference, or any diocese. Instead, God Squad Canada is supported by generous individuals, Catholics—and non-Catholics—who understand the value of the work we do inspiring men to show the same servant leadership to their families that Christ has for His bride, the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Won’t you join us in strengthening men amidst today’s darkness of spiritual famine and moral confusion?
We take e-transfers at or credit cards at to make your tax-deductible donation.
When e-transferring at put your name and address in the message box of the e-Transfer
(so that the donation is recorded to the proper person)
For answers to questions about donating to God Squad Canada, please contact us at or call 1-587-888-5482