The Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection

The Ascension


The Assumption

The Coronation

  1. Make the Sign of the Cross and say the “Apostles’ Creed
  2. Say the “Our Father
  3. Say a “Hail Mary” on each bead; for Faith, Hope and Love
  4. Say the “Glory be to the Father
  5. Announce the First Mystery; then say the “Our Father
  6. Say ten “Hail Marys” while meditating on the Mystery
  7. Say the “Glory be to the Father” and “Fatima Prayer
  8. Announce the Second Mystery; then say the “Our Father.” Repeat 6 and 7 and continue with Third, Fourth and Fifth Mysteries in the same manner.
  9. Upon completion of the five decades, you will be back on the medal where you pray the concluding prayers of the “Hail Holy Queen“; “Pray for us O Holy Mother of God“;  “Let us pray“, and; ‘St. Michael the Archangel