Thank you for joining us as we share the 2022 line-up of speakers for this, our 25th year of The God Squad Conference. We hope these talks will inspire you to share the Good News of the Gospel with your friends and family. It is our special prayer that through the intersession of St. Joseph and the eternal Love of the Holy Spirit, that these talks touch your heart and move you closer to Jesus and Our Father in heaven.
Duration: 01:03:45 min
Bishop William T. McGrattan
Opening mass from St. Michael’s Catholic Parish in Calgary, Alberta. Bishop McGrattan looks forward to the Feast of Saint Joseph. He talks about looking at your children as gifts. He challenges the men to asses how we have performed as custodians of these gifts. He talks about the importance of naming your child. He gives personal insights in his naming. He talks about protecting your family like Saint Joseph!
Duration: 00:59:50 min
Do not miss this powerful talk by a father of Eight and missionary who shares “God had something very good in mind when he created you!” You have a key role to play in his story. You have the capacity to be an image of Jesus Christ in and for the world! Because of that men are under attack for their heart. He talks about being tender and fierce as a man. Finally Brett shares that to be a kingdom leader you need to bind the broken hearted.
Duration: 01:03:45 min
Deacon Stephen Robinson
Deacon Stephen prayerfully explains the Litany of St. Joseph. He prepares us for hearing our Spiritual Father who speaks to us in the Gospel through silence. Then Stephen leads us through the Litany of St. Joseph on this special day: March 19th – The Feast of St. Joseph.
Duration: 00:56:42 min
Being a Disciple of the Lord, how do you do that? We are needed right now more than ever. How do you foster both courage and sensitivity? How do you build focus, intention, priorities? We must be careful to not make “Studying our Faith” our “Hobby”. We must move beyond studying our faith and move into Living Our Faith. Daily we must seek to imitate Christ. Move beyond being a “Fan” and become a true “Follower”, a true Disciple of Christ.
Duration: 00:42:48 min
Brett Powell
Christendom has fallen. The Apostolic Age has returned. Will you rise up? Will you raise the Christian Family to meet the challenges Christians face in today’s world? The missionary dimension of the family has never been more important than it is today. As Christendom falls, the Christian family must rise. As men, we must be intentional. Raising the Christian Family is not accidental. As sons of the Heavenly Father, men of all ages must respond. “There’s no retirement in the Kingdom. That’s for heaven.” Hear what Brett has to say as his leadership stirs you back to life.
Fr. Troy Nugyen
Duration: 00:09:01 min
Father Troy shares a powerful message. He calls it a pep talk for confession. He talks about the life of Frank Abagnale of Catch me if you Can fame. He uses his story to talk about how we can put on masks to pretend that all is good. We cover up our woundedness and don’t even let God in. He describes how these wounds begin to fester and get worse. Confession is the place to take all your brokenness and woundedness. When we take off our masks and allow Jesus to heal us then we can be the men God calls us to be!
Duration: 01:02:23 min
Jeff Cavins
Jeff highlights the way a group of men interact, and shares the recipe of how to share the Gospel. Jeff explains the Kerygma: the command of “Go Proclaim the Good News!” of the New Testament, and how to follow this recipe to initiate life-changing conversations. Finally, Jeff shares how to double the size of your parish, guaranteed.
Jeff Cavins and Brett Powell
Duration: 01:11:10 min
Jeff and Brett engage the group in a discussion and a call to action to be Leaders in their parishes and communities. We conclude with a review of the Synod on Synodality, and a request to all, especially men, to engage in listening sessions being held throughout the Diocese.