Thank you to all our sponsors

By Sean Lynn Executive Director God Squad
National Director of Canada for Heroicmen.
God Squad is hosting the inaugural Heroic Disc Golf Tournament on June 1, 2024 during the Mary’s Festival for the inauguration of the St Mary’s University Disc Golf Course. The Heroic Hyzer Tournament will inaugurate the brand new course at St Mary’s University in Calgary. This will be a beginner friendly, 4 player team, single disc, best throw format. See tournament registration for details.
This golf course, let alone this event, would not have been possible without our sponsors.
From all of us at God Squad Canada, thank you

Join the mission. Go to and see what’s going on. Go to Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance at or to Heroic Men at and just join us in the mission of discipleship. Bring other men along with you. Look for other brothers in your parish and together, we can make a difference.
St. Joseph. Pray for us!
Welcome to the inaugural Heroic Hyzer tournament at
St. Mary’s University Disc Golf Course presented by God Squad Canada.
God Squad and St. Mary’s University are hosting a disc golf tournament at the St. Mary’s University Campus.